What is Trigeminal Neuralgia?
Trigeminal neuralgia is a disorder that causes sudden, severe, short-lasting facial pain. It is characterized by episodes of intense pain in one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve, which runs through the face. The pain experienced is described as being as severe as an electric shock and is often triggered by routine facial movements.
Signs and Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia
The main sign of trigeminal neuralgia is sudden, sharp, stabbing pain in the face, mouth, and cheeks. It occurs in episodes lasting seconds or minutes. The pain is usually felt on one side of the face but may occur on both sides. The pain can be triggered by touching the face, brushing the teeth, chewing, or shaving. Depending on the severity of the condition, trigeminal neuralgia can even be triggered by a strong gust of wind, or a light tap on the cheek.
How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia is caused by compression or irritation of the trigeminal nerve in the upper cervical spine. The trigeminal nerve is responsible for sensation in the face and local motor functions, including chewing, swallowing, and facial movement.
The upper cervical spine is the area of the spine where the base of the skull meets the first vertebra of the neck. This is where the trigeminal nerve is most vulnerable to injury. A herniated disc, bone spur, or vertebral misalignment in this area can pinch the trigeminal nerve, causing trigeminal neuralgia and other facial disorders.
How Our Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment Works
The upper cervical spine is a very complex area, and it is difficult to treat. Traditional, mainstream treatments for trigeminal neuralgia, such as prescription medication, injections, and surgery, are often unsuccessful. That’s why people turn to upper cervical chiropractic treatment for relief from trigeminal neuralgia.
Unlike traditional methods, our upper cervical chiropractic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia focuses on the area of the spine where the nerve is being pinched. Using a combination of X-rays and cone-beam computed tomography scans, our expert chiropractor, Dr. Bello, can detect the exact location of the problem and gently adjust the upper cervical spine to release any pressure on the nerve. This rapid and gentle correction can often reduce or even eliminate the pain of trigeminal neuralgia.
If you’re looking for long-term relief from trigeminal neuralgia, Dr. Bello can help. He provides natural treatment for trigeminal neuralgia to patients in Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Culver City, Los Angeles, Marina Del Rey, West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Westwood, and the surrounding areas.