The Blair Chiropractic Technique Can Treat Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition characterized by nerve damage that causes pain, weakness, and/or numbness. These discomforts are most commonly experienced in the extremities. 

Poor blood flow, diabetes, chronic infections, auto-immune diseases, or exposure to toxic chemicals can all contribute to peripheral neuropathy. Another problem that contributes to the condition that is often overlooked is a misalignment of the upper cervical spine. 

Signs and Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

People with peripheral neuropathy usually experience numbness and/or tingling, most often in the hands or feet. In more severe cases the patient may experience a burning pain or a stabbing pain.  

Sufferers of peripheral neuropathy may feel unusual sensations or lose sensations altogether. This may cause muscle weakness and balance problems, which puts sufferers at greater risk of accidents. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Contributes to Peripheral Neuropathy

The upper cervical spine is made up of the seven uppermost vertebrae that run from the base of the skull through the neck. These vertebrae can easily become misaligned from an injury, accident, or prolonged poor posture. Misalignments result in inflammation, swelling, or pinched nerves resulting in nerve damage. 

Thankfully, in many cases, the peripheral nerves can heal if the root of the problem is addressed. A correction of the upper cervical spine can take pressure off the nerves so that the body’s natural healing mechanisms can take over and repair the damage. As the nerves are stimulated and blood flow increases, the condition should begin to improve.

Unfortunately, sometimes nerve damage cannot be reversed. This is why early detection and treatment are so important; it gives patients the best chance of recovery. Sadly, many healthcare providers overlook upper cervical spine problems.

How We Treat Peripheral Neuropathy

At Los Angeles Upper Cervical, our team tries to get to the root of the problem. Our Dr. Alex Bello is an upper cervical spine specialist and an expert in the Blair Chiropractic Technique. Dr. Bello can offer a safe, effective, non-invasive treatment to help alleviate peripheral neuropathy. 

Dr. Bello begins his examination with advanced 3D imaging technology, allowing him to calculate exact misalignments much more effectively than with traditional 2D X-rays. This allows the doctor to apply pressure in precise locations. Corrections using the Blair technique are swifter, gentler, and generally hold longer. 

Once the spine is corrected and the body’s healing processes commence, patients should begin to feel relief as the nerves are restored. Beyond that, regular checkups can be an excellent preventative measure to avoid future problems. 

If you’re suffering from peripheral neuropathy, seek treatment before it is too late and the nerve damage becomes permanent. Contact Dr. Bello for a consultation.  He offers upper cervical chiropractic care to patients in Brentwood, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Westwood, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, West Los Angeles, and the surrounding areas.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

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