What Are Cluster Headaches?
Headaches are a common complaint. Everyone gets a headache now and then, be it from noise, stress, hunger, or some other external reason. Some people suffer from conditions that cause more pain and/or frequent headaches.
Cluster headaches are ranked as the most painful type of headache. They are a type of headache that comes in clusters—that is, sufferers will experience brief but severe headaches several times per day for several days in a row. This pattern repeats itself every few weeks.
Cluster headaches can be debilitating, interfering with a person’s ability to perform daily tasks like driving, reading, or working. Researchers are still not entirely sure what causes them, and as of this writing, there is no known cure. Still, there is promise in treating patients with cluster headaches through upper cervical care.
Symptoms of Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches are severe headaches that feel like a burst of electricity or pain. The pain is often on one side of the head. A person with a cluster headache may tear from the eye on the side the pain is on, or the eyelid may swell or droop. Their eye mays become red, or their nose may run or become congested.
People with cluster headaches may appear pale or flushed, they often sweat, and they may become restless during an attack. It is common for sufferers to experience sensitivity to light and sound during a cluster of headaches.
Headaches last from a few minutes up to a couple of hours and may strike suddenly and repeatedly over a few days. After the clusters are done, patients usually go into a brief remission before they strike again. This remission may last anywhere from 6 months to a year.
Cluster headaches can affect anyone, though most common sufferers are men between the ages of 20 and 40.
How Does the Blair Upper Cervical Technique Help Relieve Headache Pain?
As mentioned above, researchers are not entirely certain what causes cluster headaches; they do suspect that it may involve a malfunction of the fifth cranial nerve. Also known as the trigeminal nerve, this is the largest of the cranial nerves that branch out of the brain stem.
The upper cervical spine is made up of the seven uppermost vertebrae. These vertebrae protect the spine where it connects to the brain stem. They run from the base of the skull and go down through the neck.
Unfortunately, this area is prone to injury from jolts and the vertebrae can become misaligned. When misaligned, it may cause inflammation that can put pressure on nerves and disrupt the flow of signals. These misfiring signals may have something to do with cluster headaches.
How Upper Cervical Care Helps Cluster Headaches.
Upper cervical chiropractors can help realign the upper cervical spine with gentle techniques. These non-invasive techniques can correct misalignments, reduce inflammation, and allow nerve signals to flow properly again. Once the nerves are functioning properly again, they allow the body’s natural healing processes to commence and repair the damage.
Dr. Alex Bello is an upper cervical specialist who is trained in the Blair Chiropractic Technique. This modern technique offers cluster headache sufferers a drug-free, safe, natural treatment that can reduce headaches in number and/or severity.
At Los Angeles Upper Cervical. Dr. Bello begins treatment with a thorough examination using advanced 3D diagnostic imaging tools. This allows him to calculate your unique anatomy so that he can make more precise adjustments. Using the Blair technique, the doctor’s adjustments are much more gentle, without the twisting and yanking usually associated with chiropractic care. This technique is more comfortable for patients and results in longer-holding corrections.
If you’re plagued by cluster headaches and they’re getting in your way of doing the things you need and want to do in life, call Dr. Bello to see if upper cervical care is right for you. Dr. Bello is here to help. He offers upper cervical chiropractic care to patients in Brentwood, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Westwood, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, West Los Angeles, and the surrounding areas.