The body is like a machine: when all the parts are in their proper places and functioning properly, the machine hums along and works great. However, if even one little cog in the machine is malfunctioning, it can lead to a breakdown of the whole thing. Any engineer or mechanic knows that there are certain parts on every machine that are essential to the overall functioning of the machine. To upkeep the whole machine it is important to proactively keep certain parts in good condition, and tend to any wear and tear as soon as possible.
In the human body, the most overlooked part that is essential to your body’s functioning is the upper cervical spine. You’ll find this part of your spine starting just below the skull and going down the neck. Its job is to support the weight and movement of the head, as well as protect the spinal cord where it connects to the brain stem.
The neck and head are vulnerable and prone to injury from even jolts, accidents, or poor posture. It is easy for the vertebra in the upper cervical spine to become misaligned, and this can have a domino effect that causes a wide variety of issues that impact your health and well-being.
Pain Relief
Many painful conditions can be traced to a misalignment in the upper cervical spine. When there is even a minute misalignment of the neck vertebrae, you unconsciously shift your body posture to compensate, putting undue strain on other joints, muscles, bones, and ligaments.
Pinched nerves can result in pain anywhere from head to toe, such as migraines to sciatica. Compressed nerves can also become damaged and lead to serious chronic or degenerative conditions.
Improved Sleep
Corrections to realign the upper cervical spine can help you get a better night’s sleep. One simple reason for this is that a properly aligned spine will relieve you of the nagging aches and pains that otherwise might keep you up at night. In addition, compressed or pinched nerves can disrupt signals from the brain meant to regulate the cycles of wake and sleep.
Improved Immune System
The immune system is a complex system that helps the body fight infections and diseases. This entire system is controlled by the central nervous system. Misalignments in the vertebrae that cause inflammation and swelling may compress nerves, causing them to misfire. This leads to malfunctions.
Increased Energy
As noted, proper alignment of the upper cervical spine helps relieve pain, improves sleep, and keeps the body’s major systems functioning properly. It should come as no surprise then that many patients who get regular check-ups and corrections when necessary will find that they have more energy.
Improved Mood
It is hard to keep up morale when you suffer from pain, mobility issues, or chronic illnesses that interfere with your daily activities. It should come as no surprise, then, that any treatment alleviating aches, pains, mobility issues, sleep impediments, etc., will have a positive effect on a person’s mental and emotional state. Some mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, may also be due to blockages in nerve flow or vessels leading to the brain. Research shows some promise in upper cervical care in helping to treat such conditions.
How We Can Help
At Los Angeles Upper Cervical, we understand the impact that upper cervical health has on the whole body. Dr. Alex Bello is an upper cervical specialist and an expert in the Blair Chiropractic Technique.
The Blair technique is a safe, non-invasive, drug-free treatment that combines state-of-the-art technology and gentle chiropractic corrections. Using advanced 3D imaging diagnostic tools, Dr. Bello can calculate exact misalignments. This allows him to utilize precise yet gentle pressure to make corrections.
Call for a consultation to see if your upper cervical spine is the root of your health problems. Dr. Bello offers upper cervical chiropractic care to patients in Brentwood, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Westwood, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, West Los Angeles, and the surrounding areas.